Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor"


Everyone, and I'm no exception, likes to have their efforts appreciated, their attitudes and decisions supported, and their activities encouraged. Sometimes, I get terribly depressed, tired of self imposed burdens, annoyed by unfair criticisms, irritated by stupidity and ignorance, and resentful of my own conscience for driving me back to my responsibilities when I, like everyone else, would like to be out "living" and "doing". Then when it all seems just "too much" something nice happens that gives me the lift, support, and encouragement that I too need


In recent weeks I have received 4 of the nicest and most touching letters I have ever gotten. They are, however, so complimentary and appreciative that I've been a little hesitant about publishing them, lest it appear to be immodest, expecially when they all appear at once. I do so because, 1) this is a way of saying thank you to all 4 of these friends, 2) because the wives letter will, I hope, give other reluctant wives a little help and encouragement, and 3) to give a little pause to the gripers and complainers.


Dear Virginia,

On behalf of Jean (G.G.) and myself I wish you and the staff of Transvestia a most Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks to you our Christmas and I'm sure, New Year will be the happiest ever.